>>>当前位置网上有奖-有奖调查-PermissionResearch 有奖调查


Win $500 by joining PermissionResearch


PermissionResearch is part of an online market research community with over 2 million members worldwide.PermissionResearch relies on its members to gain valuable insight into Internet trends and behavior. In exchange for having their Internet browsing and purchasing activity monitored and for participating in surveys, members can earn points redeemable for a variety of items, from gift certificates, to electronics, to small home appliances and beyond. Members are also eligible to participate in the daily and Grand Prize sweepstakes. PermissionResearch DOES NOT sell personal information; nor do members receive any advertisements as a result of their participation.

PermissionResearch 是一家拥有200万世界会员的网络在线调研公司。它通过吸引会员参与调查,获取互联网发展趋势和产品、服务使用者习惯的且有价值的信息。作为回报,会员可以获得点数,这些点数可以兑换现金和礼品,礼品有礼品券,小家电等电子产品。他们承诺保护会员信息,不做广告和推荐产品。只要你免费注册为他们的会员就有机会获得


注册流程:点击上面进入后,在页面的下方找到“Join Today!",点击后,开始填写你的个人信息。详细如下:

First Name 你的名,用拼音
Last Name 你的姓,用拼音
E-mail 你的电子邮件
Country 你的国家,如中国,China
Address 1 详细住址,不会翻译吗?用翻译工具,或找我。
Address 2 备用地址,可以不填写
City 你的城市
State 省份 我注意到网页上可选择的只有美国的邦,所以这个就默认“select one"
Zip Code (Postal Code) 邮政区号
Age 年龄,填写数字就可
Choose a Password 登录密码
Verify Password 验证密码,就是再输入一次
What is the total number of people residing in your household?你家里总共有多少常住人口?

Privacy Statement and User License Agreement 这是他们网站的规定、免责条款等,你看了后在“I am the authorized user of this computer and I have read, agree to, and have obtained the agreement of all computer users to the terms and conditions of the Privacy Statement and User License Agreement.”前面的框框内点击一下就表示你同意,否则不能加入。

完成注册后,你需要打开你的电子邮箱激活注册。以后有调查就会通知你的。他们网页上讲,一般一个月能提供3、4个调查,但不保证每个人都能收到,有些调查是针对特定人群的。请留意“Thank you”字样,因为这是你收到调查的信号。



以上内容根据PermissionResearch 网站信息翻译整理,本站不拥有版权!

